Here are the individual photos.
Some of them are a bit blurry -- I was focusing on the painting, not the photography at the time, which you can probably tell ;)
Still, it's coming along nicely. Now I just need to put the finishing touches on the piece... and figure out how to frame it.

It's 36" wide by 28" high - large format mixed-media piece that is a larger version of a work I did a few years back. It is composed of acrylic, watercolor, marker, and oil pastels on paper. I anticipate it being completely finished by the beginning of July.
Online it doesn't show as much of the great texture as I'd like. Oh, well. It's the kind of thing you need to "be with" to appreciate. All in all, I'm fairly happy with it. Can think of things I'd do differently next time, but for now... happy, happy. A good weekend.